Caffeine in the evening: This is how coffee affects you in the evening
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
We tumble out of bed at the sound of the alarm, drag ourselves in our bathrobes to the kitchen, and cling shakily to our cups until the coffee finally drips through the machine. With each sip we take, it makes us more awake, fitter, and focused. That’s why we keep needing it, more and more. Each cup gives us the energy boost we need to tackle the day. Until we lie in bed at night with our eyes wide open and a pounding heart, and it’s that very coffee that keeps us from sleeping. Until the alarm clock tears us out of our far-too-short sleep, leaving us dead tired and forcing us to continue the caffeine cycle out of sheer necessity the next morning. Or is there another solution?
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We have the solution!
How does caffeine affect my body during sleep?
Caffeine in sleep increases overall activity: A rise in adrenaline and cortisol levels accelerates heart rate, pulse, and breathing, leading to increased alertness and focus.
Caffeine in sleep blocks adenosine: This sleep-promoting substance is produced in our brains throughout the day and makes us feel tired. By blocking the adenosine receptors, caffeine tricks the brain into thinking we don’t need sleep.
Caffeine in sleep boosts dopamine: An excess of dopamine leads to heightened perception of the environment, activation of the cerebral cortex, and thus, increased difficulty falling asleep.
Caffeine in sleep suppresses melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone that regulates our day-night rhythm. Coffee suppresses it even more than light does, throwing off the normal sleep-wake cycle.
Caffeine in sleep enhances kidney function: The kidney’s filtering function is temporarily increased, causing more urine to be produced, making us get up more frequently to go to the bathroom.
What are the long-term effects of caffeine on my sleep?
Regular caffeine intake not only impacts our daytime productivity but also our sleep at night: We fall asleep later, have lighter sleep, or wake up more often during the night. But that’s not all: Even when there’s barely any caffeine left in the blood, long-term coffee drinkers struggle to reach deep sleep, make up for sleep deficits, or recover from short-term sleep deprivation. At the same time, they need more and more coffee to experience the stimulating effects of the pick-me-up when they actually need it.
What are the long-term effects of caffeine on my sleep?
Regular caffeine intake not only impacts our daytime productivity but also our sleep at night: We fall asleep later, have lighter sleep, or wake up more often during the night. But that’s not all: Even when there’s barely any caffeine left in the blood, long-term coffee drinkers struggle to reach deep sleep, make up for sleep deficits, or recover from short-term sleep deprivation. At the same time, they need more and more coffee to experience the stimulating effects of the pick-me-up when they actually need it.
What trick can I use to avoid sleep problems despite drinking coffee?
Caffeine kicks in within 45 minutes and has a stimulating effect for six or more hours. The simplest solution seems to be just not drinking coffee six hours before bedtime. But some people are so sensitive that even this time span is not enough for them, or they simply love their coffee so much that they don’t want to give it up for half the day. And that’s where decaffeinated coffee from Tirc comes in! Because as the name suggests, This is Real Coffee is nearly identical to the original: same taste, same aroma, same enjoyment—without the nighttime troublemaker caffeine. So you don’t have to switch to chai, cocoa, or even green tea; you can still enjoy your cup of coffee anytime, day or night, completely caffeine-free.
Fun Fact: If you’re well-rested in the morning, caffeine won’t have a stimulating effect if you’re not used to coffee. So why not keep the momentum going in the morning with decaf coffee and reach for a delicious cup of This Is Real Coffee right away